What is the ManoMano Partners API?

What is the ManoMano Partners API?

The ManoMano Partners API is a REST-based API that provides programmatic access to data related to orders, offers, stock, and more within the ManoMano platform. It allows integration with the ManoMano ecosystem to enhance selling efficiency, reduce labor requirements, and improve customer response times.
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    • Which are the production and sandbox URLs for the API?

      The production URL for the API is: https://partnersapi.manomano.com The sandbox URL for testing is: https://partnersapi.sandbox.manomano.com
    • How does ManoMano sync the products and offer info ?

      Product info is imported via feed (csv,xml,xlsx) automatically (2 times every 24h) or manually directly on the toolbox. Offer info is imported every 3h via feed (csv,xml,xlsx) and at the frequency of your choice with the API.
    • Are there any limitations on API requests?

      Yes, to prevent abusive usage, requests to the API might be limited to 200 per hour and per IP address. If this limit is reached, the API will return an HTTP status code 429, indicating "Too Many Requests."
    • What is the current status of the XML API vs REST API?

      Please note that since last 30th June we don't give support to the XML API so we encourage you to migrate to the REST API as soon as possible if you still haven't done it. You can contact us for any question you may have for this process.
    • What are the current functionalities available?

      The current functionalities available through the ManoMano Partners API include: Orders API (REST): Access order-related data. You are not autonomous yet to create your testing orders but we can do it for you so you can test the REST API flow. Offers ...